Tonnau | Waves

Read in English


Nod Rhaglen Dysgu Nofio Cymru yw sicrhau bod pob plentyn yn gallu nofio. ‘Dysgu Trwy Chwarae’ yw sylfaen y rhaglen.

Mae’r gwersi yn cynnwys gweithgareddau hwyl a gemau yn y pwll sydd yn gallu cael eu haddasu i fel bod pob plentyn yn cyrraedd ei b/photensial.

Wrth i allu nofio’r plentyn gynyddu,  byddwn hefyd yn ei annog i ystyried disgyblaethau dŵr eraill  fel polo dŵr, deifio, nofio artistig ac Achub bywyd RLSS. 

Bydd pob plentyn newydd yn dechrau yn Ton 1 (bydd plentyn sydd wedi nofio o’r blaen yn derbyn prawf dŵr i sicrhau bod nhw’n dechrau yn y Ton cywir). Pan maent yn cwblhau y 10 neu 11 tasg mewn ton yna bydd y plentyn yn derbyn bathodyn a tystysgrif a symud ymlaen at y ton nesaf.

 Mae gwersi yn digwydd o Dydd Llun-Dydd Gwener rhwng 4 – 7yh a Bore Dydd Sadwrn rhwng 9.30yb – 12.30yp.

Trefnwch apwyntiad gyda ni os hoffech chi ddysgu mwy.

Os ydych wedi cadarnhau eich amser gwers gyda ni, gallwch gosod eich taliad misol trwy glicio ar y botwm islaw.

Read in English


The Learn to Swim Wales framework aims to ensure that every child can swim.  Learning Through Play’ is the foundation of Learn to Swim Wales.

Lessons include fun activities and games in the pool and can be adapted to help all children achieve their potential.

As the child’s swimming abilities increase, they are also encouraged to consider other aquatic disciplines, such as water polo, diving, synchronised swimming and the RLSS Rookie Lifeguard Programme.

All children will start in a Wave 1 class (unless they have had lessons at another pool in which case, they will receive a pool test to determine the most suitable wave for them). When they complete the 10 or 11 outcomes of that Wave, they then receive a badge and certificate and move onto the next Wave.

Lessons take place Monday-Friday between 4 – 7pm and Saturday morning 10am – 12pm.

Please arrange an appointment with us if you would like to learn more.

If you’ve confirmed your lesson time with us, you can set up your monthly payment by clicking the button below.

Asesu Lefel Nofio | Assessing Swimming Level

Rydyn ni’n defnyddio fframwaith Nofio Cymru i asesu eich plentyn.  Fel arfer, mae’n rhaid i’r plentyn dangos eu bod nhw’n gallu gwneud popeth ar y rhestr asesu yn hyderus o leiaf 3 gwaith cyn symud ymlaen i’r Ton nesaf.

We use the Swim Wales framework to assess your child.  Normally, the child has to demonstrate that they can confidently do everything on the assessment list at least 3 times before moving on to the next Wave.

Dysgu rheolau’r pwll
Mynd i mewn ac allan o’r pwll yn ddiogel
Tasgu dŵr dros yr wyneb
Arnofio ar y bol, gyda chymhorthion os oes eu hangen
Arnofio ar y cefn, gyda chymhorthion os oes eu hangen
Gwthio i ffwrdd ac ymlithro ar y bol
Nofio dull blaen am 5 metr, gyda chymhorthion os oes eu hangen
Nofio dull broga am 5 metr, gyda chymhorthion os oes eu hangen
Nofio dull cefn am 5 metr, gyda chymhorthion os oes eu hangen
Sgwlio mewn ystum fertigol, gyda chymhorthion os oes eu hangen
Chwarae gêm wedi’i harwain gan athro/athrawes yn y pwll
Heb gogls, neidio i mewn i’r dŵr (o leiaf 0.9 metr o ddyfnder) a dod allan o’r dŵr yn ddiogel
Arnofio ar y bol
Arnofio ar y cefn
Cicio am 5 metr, gyda’r wyneb yn y dŵr, gan chwythu swigod 4 gwaith
Gwthio i ffwrdd ac ymlithro ar y bol gyda’r breichiau wedi’u hymestyn a gyda’r wyneb yn y dŵr
Gwthio i ffwrdd ac ymlithro ar y cefn
Nofio 5 metr dull blaen
Nofio 5 metr dull cefn
Nofio 5 metr dull broga neu ddull pili-pala
Rolio 360°
Sgwlio pen-yn-gyntaf, ar y cefn, am 5 metr, gyda chymhorthion os oes eu hangen
Heb gogls, neidio i mewn i’r dŵr, casglu gwrthrych o waelod y pwll a dod allan o’r pwll
Gwthio i ffwrdd ac ymlithro ar y bol, gan rowlio megis boncyff nes bod ar y cefn
Nofio 10 metr dull blaen
Nofio 10 metr dull cefn
Nofio 5 metr dull broga
Nofio 5 metr dull pili-pala
Nofio 5 metr ar y bol, plygu a chylchdroi, ac yna nofio 5 metr ar y cefn.
Sgwlio traed-yn-gyntaf ar y cefn am 5 metr
Troedio dŵr am 15 eiliad
Dysgu’r Cod Diogel
Gwneud ciciau dolffin o dan y dŵr ar y bol ac ar y cefn
Arddangos 10 metr o gicio dull blaen
Arddangos 10 metr o gicio dull cefn
Nofio 10 metr dull blaen neu ddull cefn (dull gyda symudiadau bob yn ail)
Arddangos 10 metr o gicio dull broga, ar y bol
Arddangos 10 metr o gicio dull pili-pala, ar y bol
Nofio 10 metr dull broga neu ddull pili-pala (symudiadau ar yr un pryd)
Arddangos yr ystum HELP**
Cwblhau cyfres o siapiau arnofiol
Troedio dŵr (nofio yn yr unfan) am 30 eiliad
Dangos tair naid â siâp gwahanol i mewn i’r dŵr (dyfnder o o leiaf 1.5 metr)
Nofio 15 metr dull blaen
Nofio 15 metr dull cefn
Nofio 10 metr dull broga
Nofio 10 metr dull pili-pala
Nofio 25 metr. Ceir dewis unrhyw ddull.
Gyda phartner, cyflawni gwahanol symudiadau sgwlio am 45 eiliad
Troedio dŵr (nofio yn yr unfan) am 30 eiliad, mynnu sylw a symud i safle lle gellir gwasgu ynghyd
Sefyll ar y dwylo ar waelod y pwll
Arddangos tin-dros-ben ymlaen yn y dŵr
Deall egwyddorion cynhesu cyn gwneud ymarfer corff
Nofio 20 metr dull blaen gan ddechrau trwy wthio i ffwrdd ac ymlithro o dan y dŵr
Nofio 20 metr dull cefn gan ddechrau trwy wthio i ffwrdd ac ymlithro o dan y dŵr
Nofio 15 metr dull broga gan ddechrau trwy wthio i ffwrdd ac ymlithro o dan y dŵr
Nofio 15 metr dull pili-pala gan ddechrau trwy wthio i ffwrdd ac ymlithro o dan y dŵr
Nofio 50 metr gan ddefnyddio 2 ddull gwahanol
Nofio 25 metr yn gwisgo dillad
Arddangos ‘gweiddi a rhoi arwydd’ wrth droedio dŵr (nofio yn yr unfan)
Deif arwyneb pen gyntaf
Deif wrth eistedd (i mewn i ddŵr sydd o leiaf 1.5 metr o ddyfnder)
Arddangos tin-dros-ben am yn ôl yn y dŵr
Nofio 25 metr dull blaen
Nofio 25 metr dull cefn
Nofio 20 metr dull broga
Nofio 20 metr dull pili-pala
Nofio 100 metr Cymysg Unigol
Nofio 200 metr gan ddefnyddio o leiaf 3 dull gwahanol
Gwneud deif blymio (i mewn i ddŵr sydd o leiaf 1.8 metr o ddyfnder)
Troedio dŵr (nofio yn yr unfan) yn defnyddio symudiad curo wy gan basio pêl ar yr un pryd
Cwblhau cwrs rhwystrau 25 metr gyda 4 rhwystr
Mewn grŵp bach, arddangos cylchdroi, arnofio, sgwlio a throedio dŵr (nofio yn yr unfan)
Cymryd rhan mewn ras gyfnewid
Nofio 50 metr dull blaen
Nofio 50 metr dull cefn
Nofio 25 metr dull broga
Nofio 25 metr dull pili-pala
Aros yn fertigol ac yn llonydd am 20 eiliad
Troedio dŵr a phasio pêl dros bellter o 2 fetr ar yr un pryd
Symud o fod yn arnofio fel madarchen i fod mewn ystum ymestyn
Gwthio i ffwrdd ac ymlithro i ddeif arwyneb
Sgwlio’n gorwedd ar y cefn er mwyn aros yn llonydd
Nofio dull blaen, gwneud deif arwyneb a nofio dull broga o dan y dŵr
Learn the pool rules
Get into, and out of, the pool safely
Splash water over face
Float on front, with aids if needed
Float on back, with aids if needed
Push and glide on the front
Swim frontcrawl for 5 metres, with aids if needed
Swim breaststroke or butterfly for 5 metres, with aids if needed
Swim backstroke for 5 metres, with aids if needed
Scull in a vertical position, with aids if needed
Play a teacher-led game in the pool
Without goggles, jump into the water (at least 0.9 metres deep) and exit the water safely
Float on the front
Float on the back
Kick for 5 metres, face in water, blowing bubbles 4 times
Push and glide on the front with arms extended and face in the water
Push and glide on the back
Swim 5 metres frontcrawl
Swim 5 metres backstroke
Swim 5 metres breaststroke or butterfly
Perform a 360° roll
Scull head first, on the back, for 5 metres, with aids if needed
Without goggles, jump into the water, collect object from pool floor and get out of the pool
Push and glide on the front, log roll onto back
Swim 10 metres frontcrawl
Swim 10 metres backstroke
Swim 5 metres breaststroke
Swim 5 metres butterfly
Swim 5 metres on the front, tuck and rotate, then swim 5 metres on the back
Scull feet first on the back for 5 metres
Tread water for 15 seconds
Learn the Safe Code
Perform dolphin kicks underwater on the front and back
Demonstrate 10 metres frontcrawl kick
Demonstrate 10 metres backstroke kick
Swim 10 metres frontcrawl or backstroke (alternating stroke)
Demonstrate 10 metres breaststroke kick, on the front
Demonstrate 10 metres butterfly kick, on the front
Swim 10 metres breaststroke or butterfly (simultaneous stroke)
Demonstrate the HELP** position
Perform a series of floating shapes
Tread water for 30 seconds
Show three different shaped jumps into the water (at least 1.5 metres deep)
Swim 15 metres frontcrawl
Swim 15 metres backstroke
Swim 10 metres breaststroke
Swim 10 metres butterfly
Swim 25 metres, choice of stroke
With a partner, perform different sculling movements for 45 seconds
Tread water for 30 seconds, attract attention and move into the huddle position
Perform a handstand on the pool floor
Demonstrate a forward somersault in the water
Understand principles of warm-up before exercising
Swim 20 metres frontcrawl from an underwater push and glide
Swim 20 metres backstroke from an underwater push and glide
Swim 15 metres breaststroke from a push and glide
Swim 15 metres butterfly from a push and glide
Swim 50 metres using 2 different strokes
Swim 25 metres wearing clothes
Demonstrate a ‘shout and signal’ action while treading water
Perform a head first surface dive
Perform a sitting dive (into water at least 1.5 metres deep)
Demonstrate a backward somersault in the water
Swim 25 metres frontcrawl
Swim 25 metres backstroke
Swim 20 metres breaststroke
Swim 20 metres butterfly
Swim 100 metres Individual Medley
Swim 200 metres using at least 3 different strokes
Perform a plunge dive (into water at least 1.8 metres deep)
Tread water using an eggbeater action while passing a ball
Complete a 25 metre obstacle course with 4 obstacles
In a small group, demonstrate rotation, floating, sculling and treading water
Take part in a relay race
Swim 50 metres frontcrawl
Swim 50 metres backstroke
Swim 25 metres breaststroke
Swim 25 metres butterfly
Stay vertical and static for 20 seconds
Tread water while passing a ball over a distance of 2 metres
Change from a mushroom float to a stretched position
Push and glide into a surface dive
Perform a back layout scull to remain stationary
Swim frontcrawl, surface dive and swim underwater breaststroke


Y Daith Dysgu Nofio - The Learn to Swim Journey

Dechrau’r Daith | The Journey Begins

Rhaglen i fabis 8 wythnos – 24 mis oed

Programme for babies aged 8 weeks – 24 months

Mae Sblash yn addas i blant 2-4 oed

Splash is suitable for children aged 2 – 4

Gwersi nofio i blant 4 oed a hŷn

Swimming lessons for children aged 4 and above

Cyrsiau Ychwanegol | Supplementary Programmes

Rhoi gynnir ag amrywiaeth o weithgareddau dŵr

Try a variety of aquatics based activities

Achubwyr Iau – rhaglen dysgu sgiliau achub bywyd

Rookie lifeguards – lifesaving programme for kids

Ar gyfer plant sydd ag anghenion ychwanegol

1:2:1 lessons for children with additional needs