Liz Jones, 1947 – 2023

//Liz Jones, 1947 – 2023
Newyddion trist / Some sad news….
Bu farw un o’n cwsmeriaid ffyddlon a hoffus, Liz Jones yn diweddar yn dilyn salwch byr.
Mae’r staff a hyfforddwyr Calon Tysul i gyd yn drist iawn i glywed y newyddion gan oedd hi’n mor boblogaidd gyda’r staff a chwsmeriaid eraill. Rydyn ni gyd yn meddwl am deulu Liz a’i ffrindiau yn ystod yr amser anodd hwn.
Mi oedd Liz yn gyfeillgar ac yn dod â gwên i’r wyneb bob tro gyda’i hiwmor direidus a bydd hi’n golled fawr i’r gymuned.
Dyma fideo o brosiect Plethu 2021 gyda Liz yn sôn am ychydig o’i hanes gyda’r pwll a phwysigrwydd cymuned Calon Tysul iddi 
Cydymdeimladau at deulu a phobl agos at Liz – rydyn ni’n meddwl amdanoch.
One of our loyal and beloved customers, Liz Jones, recently died following a short illness.
Calon Tysul staff and instructors are all very sad to hear the news – she was very popular amongst staff and other customers. We are all thinking of Liz’s family and friends during this difficult time.
Liz was always friendly and brought a smile to the face every time with her mischievous humor. She will be greatly missed by everyone at the centre and community.
Here is a video of the Plethu 2021 project with Liz talking about a bit of her history with the pool and the importance of the Calon Tysul community to her 
Condolences to Liz’s family and loved ones – we are thinking of you.


  • This is such sad news, she was a lovely lady, so kind, and always had a friendly word at the aqua class.
    Sending my heartfelt condolences to her family and friends.


    Linda Harrison 17.04.2023
  • a very lovely lady❤️

    Margaret harries 17.04.2023

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