Peilot Perffaith! The Perfect Pilot!

/, Cymraeg Welsh, Dysgu nofio, Learn to swim, Nofio Swimming/Peilot Perffaith! The Perfect Pilot!

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Y Peilot Perffaith!  Dyma’r ymateb gan y tiwtoriaid a’r cyfranogwyr buodd ar y cwrs cyntaf o fath erioed. 

Mae Calon Tysul wedi datblygu cwrs peilot a gaeth ei rhoi ar brawf yr wythnos ddiwethaf yn Llandysul.  Mae’r cwrs wedi’i deilwra’n arbennig ar gyfer anghenion staff dysgu nofio Cymru er mwyn gwella sgiliau Cymraeg a magu hyder wrth ddefnyddio’r iaith ar ochr y pwll.  Darllen mwy am y peilot fan hyn.

Daeth criw o bump athro nofio o siroedd Caerffili a Chaerfyrddin i Landysul ar gyfer 3 diwrnod llawn dop o ymdrochi yn yr iaith.  Mae’r lluniau islaw yn dangos pa fath o gwrs oedd e – llawn gweithgareddau ymarferol, hwyl a chwerthin! 

Teimlwn fod cyrsiau yn llwyddo pan mae pawb yn mwynhau ac yn cael cyfle i ymarfer eu sgiliau mewn awyrgylch cefnogol a chadarnhaol, yn ogystal a chael amser i ymlacio a dod yn nes fel grŵp.

Dywedodd Debbie, sy’n dysgu nofio yn Rhydaman, “Diolch i chi am fod yn diwtoriaid gwych a rhedeg cwrs gwych. Roeddwn yn nerfus iawn am ddod ond mor falch fy mod wedi gwneud.”

Ychwanegwyd cyd-tiwtor y cwrs, Iestyn ap Dafydd, “mi oedd yn wych gweld hyder y grŵp yn ffynu wrth i’r cwrs mynd yn ei flaen.  Roedd y grwp yn berffaith gan fod nhw’n mor barod i helpu eu gilydd a ni fel tiwtoriaid.”

Cafodd y grŵp cyfle i gymryd rhan mewn gweithgareddau dŵr amrywiol gyda ffocws ar ddefnyddio Cymraeg bydd yn addas yn ystod gwersi nofio. 

Dywed cyd-tiwtor y prosiect, Matt Adams, ” Imi, uchafbwynt y cwrs oedd ar y diwrnod olaf.  Buodd yr athrawon dysgu / cynorthwyo gwersi nofio yn y Gymraeg ac yn ddwyieithog gyda phlant go iawn o deuluoedd Cymraeg eu hiaith.  Mae hyn yn dipyn o gamp yn enwedig i rhywun sydd ddim yn gyfarwydd neu yn di-hyder yn yr iaith – llongyfarchiadau mawr i bob un!  Ar ben hynny. rydyn ni fel trefnwyr y cwrs wedi dysgu llawer ac yn barod i wella cyrsiau ar gyfer y dyfodol.”

Yn ystod yr wythnosau nesaf, bydd cynlluniau ar gyfer y dyfodol yn cael eu trafod a bydd Calon Tysul yn rhyddhau adnoddau eraill a fydd ar gael i raglenni dysgu nofio eraill i helpu iddyn nhw ddarparu mwy o wersi nofio yn y Gymraeg neu’n ddwyieithog.

Os oes gennych unrhyw gwestiynau neu os hoffech ddysgu mwy, cysylltwch â Matt Adams,



Rydym yn ddiolchgar iawn i Llandysul Paddlers am eu lletygarwch gwych ac am ddarparu’r llety a’r bwyd.

Diolch i Nick Bates, hyfforddwr awyr agored wnaeth arwain gweithgareddau gwych ar y llyn a’r afon.

Diolch o galon i gwmni Iaith, sydd wedi bod wrthi’n helpu ni ddatblygu’r cwrs a’r adnoddau.

Diolch i gefnogaeth Chwaraeon Cymru a Nofio Cymru am eu help wrth lywio’r syniad creu cwrs.

Diolch i Wasanaeth Ieuenctid Sir Ceredigion a Chynnal a Cardi am eu cefnogaeth grantiau.

Cyllidwyd y cynllun LEADER drwy raglen Cymunedau Gwledig Llywodraeth Cymru – Rhaglen Datblygu Gwledig 2014-2020, a ariennir gan Llywodraeth Cymru a’r Gronfa Amaethyddol Ewrop ar gyfer Datblygu Gwledig. 



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The Perfect Pilot! That’s the response from the tutors and the participants who attended the first ever course of its kind. 

Calon Tysul has developed a pilot course which was put to the test last week in Llandysul.  The course is especially tailored towards the needs of Wales’ learn to swim staff in order to improve Welsh skills and build confidence in using the language on poolside.  Read more about the pilot here.

A group of five swimming teachers from the counties of Caerphilly and Carmarthen came to Llandysul for 3 jam-packed days of immersion in the language. The pictures below show what kind of course it was – full of practical activities, fun and laughter!

We feel that courses succeed when everyone enjoys and has the opportunity to practice their skills in a supportive and positive atmosphere, as well as having time to relax and become closer as a group.

Debbie, who teaches swimming in Ammanford, said, “Thank you for being great tutors and running a great course. I was very nervous about coming but so glad I did.”

The co-tutor of the course, Iestyn ap Dafydd, added, “it was great to see the group’s confidence flourish as the course progressed. The group was perfect as they were so ready to help each other and us as tutors.”

The group had the opportunity to take part in various water activities with a focus on using Welsh which will be suitable during swimming lessons.

The project’s co-tutor, Matt Adams, says, “For me, the highlight of the course was on the final day. The teachers taught/assisted swimming lessons in Welsh / bilingually with real children from Welsh-speaking families.  This is quite an achievement. especially for someone who is not familiar or lacks confidence in the language – so massive congratulations to everyone!  Furthermore, we as the organisers of the course have learned a lot and are ready to improve courses for the future”

In the coming weeks, plans for the future will be discussed and Calon Tysul will be releasing other resources which will be available for other learn to swim programmes to use to help deliver more swimming lessons in Welsh or bilingually.

Should you have any questions or would like to learn more, please contact Matt Adams,



We are very grateful to Llandysul Paddlers for their fantastic hospitality and providing the accommodation and food.

Thanks to Nick Bates, outdoor instructor who led the fantastic activities on the lake and river.

Heartfelt thanks to ‘Iaith’ company, who have been actively helping us develop the course and the resources.

Thanks to the support of Sport Wales and Swim Wales for their help in navigating the idea of creating a course.

Thanks to Ceredigion County Youth Service and Cynnal a Cardi for their grant support.

The LEADER plan is funded through the Welsh Government Rural Communities – Rural Development Programme 2014-2020, which is funded by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development and the Welsh Government. 

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